BestAgreement.AI Update 1.2: Continuous Numbering of Red Flags and Improved Document Comparison Function

We are pleased to announce that our AI tool for contract management, BestAgreement.AI, has received several enhancements that will make your document handling even faster and more efficient.

We have worked on this update for the past few months in close collaboration with our clients. As a result, BestAgreement.AI now includes:

1. Continuous Red Flags Numbering

Previously, in BestAgreement.AI reports, identified remarks were marked with flags colored accordingly (red, yellow, and green according to the criticality level). Now, they are also numbered.

This is very convenient and allows our users to save significant time during negotiations. Thanks to the numbering, parties can simply refer each other to the report number instead of describing the entire section.

2. Enhanced Document Comparison Function

We’ve integrated additional AI functions that allow BestAgreement.AI to better interpret changes detected in documents during their comparison with previous versions and to explain these changes more comprehensively in the report.

This upgrade results from productive collaboration with our clients in the M&A sector, where decision-making speed is crucial for successfully closing deals.

In the context of a deal, parties worked with more than 30 documents. When the buyer made many changes, the other party needed to compare all of them with previous versions to detect these changes and understand their implications.

BestAgreement.AI managed this task in just a few minutes, saving the client several weeks, which would have been spent on such analysis if not for the power of AI. The buyer was also pleasantly surprised, as they did not expect such rapid operations to be performed.

Stay Tuned for More BestAgreement.AI Updates

That’s all for now—more useful updates to be announced soon.

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