Education: 24/7 Access to Professor’s Knowledge with AI Twin
The professor's AI Twin is available to the students around the clock, and the Professor himself now has 12 extra hours a week for his scientific work.
for AI Twin Creation
Access to the Professor's Knowledge
Hours Saved Weekly
The SecureTwin.AI platform enables the private and secure creation and distribution of knowledge using AI twins(agents), digital counterparts that mirror the expertise of human professionals.
This case study shows how the university professor created his personal AI twin to keep up with students’ questions despite a tight schedule.
Problem Statement
- An overloaded curriculum left the professor no time for research work.
- Students asked for help outside regular class time to keep up with the program.
The SecureTwin.AI enables the private and secure distribution of knowledge:
The professor created AI Twin on the SecureTwin.AI platform and uploaded all course materials.
He granted his students access to the twin securely with email verification.
Students can ask questions to the AI chatbot from a desktop or mobile anytime.
Video shows how a student chats with the Professor’s AI Twin
Video showcases the professor building a AI Twin to share knowledge
- Professor saves approximately 12 hours a week, which he spends on research work or rest.
- Students now have 24/7 access to a personalized AI tutor.
Time Spent on Extracurricular Activities
Before SecureTwin.AI: 12 hours a week
With SecureTwin.AI: less than 1 hour a week
SecureTwin.AI is a safe and efficient disseminating knowledge tool for universities.
AI Twin unloads the teaching staff and provides students instant access to their professors’ knowledge.
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